58 research outputs found

    Kedudukan Outsourcing Pasca Putusan Mahkamah Konstitusi Nomor 27/PUU-IX/2011

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    The presence of the labor law is often challenged by the supporters of the interests primarily of the workers, particularly with regard to setting Outsourcing Employment Agreement in Indonesia. The reason the opponents are, among others, that the outsourcing arrangement only exploit and marginalize the humanity of those who have been guaranteed by the constitution. Various attempts have them do to rule as discriminatory was removed from employment practices in Indonesia, including the choice of law rules of the test material to the Constitutional Court. Finally, through Decision of The Constitutional Court No. 27/PUU-IX/2011, the Court granted the petition of workers by declaring unconstitutional some provisions of the Employment Agreement Outsourcing. In addressing the decision of the Court, the Government through the Ministry of Manpower publishes Permenakertrans No. 19, 2012. The problem is that the Constitutional Court's decision should not be followed up with legislation level ministerial regulations. In addition, it violates the rules Permenakertrans the higher, the Manpower Act for doing addition and subtraction of the torso aforementioned law. Not only that, now, both the workers and the employers also feel is not in line with the employment agreement outsourcing arrangement within the meaning of the Permenakertrans

    Egg Production and Quality of Quails Fed Diets with Varying Levels of Methionine and Choline Chloride

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    The aim of the present study was to determine the effect of choline chloride supplementation at 1500 ppm in diets containing various levels of methionine on egg production and egg quality in quails. A total of 180 birds, at 6 week-old quail were divided into 18 experimental units, and assigned to a 2 x 3 factorial design experiment with 3 replications (10 birds each) in each treatment. The birds were offered diets containing choline chloride at either 0 (A1) or 1500 ppm (A2), with three levels of methionine namely, low (0.19%, B1), standard (0.79%, B2) and, high (1.05%, B3). The feeding trial lasted for 8 weeks. Supplementation of choline chloride in low methionine diet significantly (P<0.05) increased egg production, egg mass, and egg weight as compared to those without choline chloride supplementation. Supplementation of choline chloride significantly (P<0.05) increased egg yolk weight but decreased albumen and egg shell weight as compared to those fed diets without choline chloride supplementation. It can be concluded that supplementation of choline chloride to a diet containing low methionine increased egg production, without affecting egg quality

    The Influence of Corporate Social Responsibility Activity Toward Customer Loyalty Through Improvement of Quality of Life in Urban Area

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    The success of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) activities can create competitive advantage by influencing customer responses to firms’ offering. Customer’s awareness of CSR activity will influence their loyalty through their perception that activity can improve society’s quality of life where the CSR activities were implemented. The objective of this study is to evaluate the relationship between CSR awareness and loyalty that mediated by CSR Belief, Company Ability Belief, Quality of Life, and Company Reputation using Structural Equation Modelling (SEM). The result shows little differrences among five firms/brands as the object of the research, that are beverage, soap, car, lubricant, and cigarette. This result has an implication for the firm that CSR activities are not just cost center activities, but also can create reputation, and in the long run can create customer loyalty that contributes to firm’s financial benefit

    Analisis Kinerja Sosial dan Keuangan Lembaga Keuangan Mikro (LKM) Usaha Ekonomi Desa-Simpan Pinjam (UED-SP) Sinar Dana di Desa Sawah Kecamatan Kampar Utara Kabupaten Kampar

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    This study aims to analyze social and financial performance of microfinance institutions UED-SP Sinar Dana. Social performance analyzed using Microfinance Information exchange (MIX) soscial performance standard report, and financial performance analyzed using 17 PEARLS ratio. Analysis of the UED-SP social peformance has reached the social mission and goals the cumulative volume of loans 25.10 percent, and the higher growth of loans volume is the agricultural sector 32.25 percent. The poor borrowers 23.33 percent and volume of loans increased 55.82 percent. Internal systems increased on a variety of loan products and increased incentives for staff. The output and outcome UED-SP was increasing in average annual, outreach of the women borrowers, the borrower of productive economic in the agricultural sector, poor borrowers, and the volume of saving. The financial performance of UED-SP obtained that the purpose of the protection is not achieved because it does not have a provision for loan losses on loans greater than 12 months delinquent. Effective financial structure is obtained the net loans highger than range limit of ideal accivement, ratio of members share capital in ideal, the ratio of capital institutions in ideal. Asset quality in non perfoaming loan and ratio of non-earning assets are in the ideal. Revenue and expenses earned operating costs and the ratio of net income are ideal. The ratio of income from loans and the current asset liquidity ratio are ideal. UED-SP showed signs of growth with the asset growth, loan growth, and savings deposit growth in not ideal ratio

    Pengaruh Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Team Assisted Individualization (Tai) Terhadap Hasil Belajar Biologi Siswa Kelas XI Pada Materi Sistem Peredaran Darah Manusia Ma Pp. Hasanatul Barokah Tambusai Rokan Hulu Tahun Pembelajaran 2014/2015

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    The study to determine the effect of cooperative learning team assisted individualization (TAI) on learning outcomes biology class XI MA PP. Hasanatul barokah. This is a quasi- experimental study with a sample of students class XI A and XI B. the design study control group postest-only design. The result of the analysis of data obtained an average of 79,8 experimental class learning outcomes and grade control 78. Can thus be concluded that the implementation of cooperative learning team assisted individualization (TAI) provides a positive effect on learning outcomes biology class XI MA PP. Hasanatul Barokah

    Egg Production and Quality of Quails Fed Diets with Varying Levels of Methionine and Choline Chloride

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    The aim of the present study was to determine the effect of choline chloride supplementation at 1500 ppm in diets containing various levels of methionine on egg production and egg quality in quails. A total of 180 birds, at 6 week-old quail were divided into 18 experimental units, and assigned to a 2 x 3 factorial design experiment with 3 replications (10 birds each) in each treatment. The birds were offered diets containing choline chloride at either 0 (A1) or 1500 ppm (A2), with three levels of methionine namely, low (0.19%, B1), standard (0.79%, B2) and, high (1.05%, B3). The feeding trial lasted for 8 weeks. Supplementation of choline chloride in low methionine diet significantly (P<0.05) increased egg production, egg mass, and egg weight as compared to those without choline chloride supplementation. Supplementation of choline chloride significantly (P<0.05) increased egg yolk weight but decreased albumen and egg shell weight as compared to those fed diets without choline chloride supplementation. It can be concluded that supplementation of choline chloride to a diet containing low methionine increased egg production, without affecting egg quality

    Kepentingan Indonesia Melarang Ekspor Benih Lobster ke Vietnam Tahun 2015

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    This research will explain why Indonesia banned the export of breeding lobster out of state that described is in the study case of a ban on the export of breeding lobster to Vietnam. The purpose of this research is to find out how the mining lobster in Indonesia, and how the necessity of Vietnam about breeding lobster in Indonesia and to discover why Indonesia banned the export of breeding lobster to Vietnam that is listed in the Number 1/PERMEN-KP/2015.The method that used is library research where the data obtained from sources that are relevant to the research problems are discussed. This research uses the perspective of mercantilism, and theories of foreign policy and theories export as well as the concept of national interest according to Jack. Plano and Roy Olton.The result of this research indicate that the purpose of Indonesia stop the export of breeding lobster to Vietnam is to reduce the export volume of breeding lobster because the population of lobster in the wild has declined
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